Import Template Homepage with Elementor

Video tutorial on importing a new homepage from a . JSON file or a . ZIP file:
Step 1: Download the homepages.json files you want. Download files at the bottom of this page.
Step 2: Import Templates to the Elementor Template Library.
Step 3: Create a new page and set up the necessary things like Header, Footer, and Page Header.
Step 4: Insert the template into your page.

1. How to Import Templates

First, download the homepage template you want to import. (View the list of homepages below.)

Click the Import Templates button

Click on the “Choose File” button to upload the template you want to import. You can choose either the .zip file or the .json files that you just downloaded.

Choose the file you want to import and click the Import Now button

Your imported template will now be displayed in your Templates list

2. How To Insert Templates

Click the Add Template From Library icon  to add a Page template, Block, or your own Saved template from the editing screen.

Click INSERT to select the required template.

This is the list of homepage templates and blocks all for you to download.

Home Dark Modern Slider:

Home Light Modern Slider:

Home Light Minimal :